Previous Researchers (Graduates)
M.Sc. Graduates
Mesh generation for the ship-wave problem / Şafak Nur Ertürk, 1995 (with Prof. M. Söylemez)
Ship wave-making problem by the source-panel method /Şakir Bal, 1990
Hydrodynamic evaluation of Naval ships for seakeeping /Saadet Arıcı, 1996
Form optimization of catamaran (twin)hulls for total resistance/ D.Bülent Danışman, 1997
Position optimization of outriggers in a trimaran hull form for minimum wave resistance/ Murat Kaya, 1998
The effect of transom stern on the round bilge high-speed hull forms/ E.Mete Şireli, 1999 (with Prof. M. İnsel)
Computational simulation of the flow field around 2-dimensional profiles/ U.Oral Ünal, 2000
Bow form optimization by means of Generic algorithms/ B. Sıtkı Türkmen, 2003
1- and 2-Dimensional applicaitons in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics/ Murat Özbulut, 2008
Ph.D. Graduates
Computational analysis of non-linear effects in ship wave- making problem/ D.Bülent Danışman, 2004
Numerical and experimental investigation into the effect of vortex generators on the flow field around a circular cylinder/ U.Oral Ünal, 2007